I am writing a blog post that should have been somewhere else (like twitter) – but no, I love the exclusiveness of writing in my own territory, with no worries of finding out what other people thinks.

Today, marks the start of a new category of posts that I shall call – The Ideas Channel. Sounds very cheesy (I know), but I think, that it’s only rightful for my notes to be given their rightful and organized place.

You see, I started out writing in notebooks. And year after year, I always bought a new one and wrote down the goals that I had for the year. Sometimes, when I stumble upon my old notebooks, I sense a feeling of awe. Because it reminds me that i’ve been doing my thing for a long time now (8+ years). This year, I decided to purchase a premium in todoist and evernote – and keep my short-term and long-term goals out there.

So, how do goals even relate to ideas? Well, my ideas and goals go hand-in-hand in my notes (I would love to let you glimpse on my old ones – soon!). For instance, the goal is to build a Software Company. Then, I write down ideas on products that I will be building, or services that i will be offering. Another one – The goal is to be a Billionaire – Then, I will be creating multiple streams of income, and that I will be reading  a lot of books from successful entrepreneurs, and those books reside in another list. (These are my current goals, by the way)

So, it pretty much explains what this channel is. Does it?


My name is Roselle and I’m still working on my success story. You heard that right. I’m young, I work at home on my PJs and I’m still going to make many more mistakes in life. Just like you, just like we all do. But the other thing you should know about me is that I love helping people and this blog is one of the many outlets I have in connecting with you. I talk a lot about finance, business, and personal development. Visit my About page, if you want to know more about my story!

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