Who is Roselle?

Roselle aims to bridge hoomans and technology.

She is a Software Engineer. She writes upon waking and reads prior to resting. Every second and fourth Tuesday nights, she sneaks out of work (secretly) and watches (or delivers) speeches at a local Toastmasters Club. She does a lot of things, so it’s quite difficult to put what she does in a few words.

Let me give it a try:

She’s too comfortable with being uncomfortable that she finds it uncomfortable being too comfortable.

Quite a mouthful, right? Here’s another one:

Roselle is a fast-learner, allowing her to navigate throughout the real-world without any birth-advantage or degree.

Too pretentious. Let me give it another try:

Roselle is a kind soul who would never judge what you do or did (she loves you anyway, which sometimes put her at a grave disadvantage), is very supportive of anyone who needs help, and says YES to all sorts of challenges (which she should probably try to change, soon).

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