I am writing a blog post that should have been somewhere else (like twitter) – but no, I love the exclusiveness of writing in my own territory, with no worries of finding out what other people thinks. Today, marks the start of a new category of posts that I…

We shall begin by breaking down the term into phrases, digesting the definitions of each phrase and understanding the relationship between the phrases. Software Process A software process is a set of related activities leading towards the development of a software product using whatever tool or stack needed.…

In my software engineering class, most of my colleagues found it frustrating that instead of coding, what we were doing for the past 2 months had been writing documentations, business rules, acceptance tests, refining our charter & features, designing use-cases and building test-cases. I did, too, for a…

Background When I’ve been introduced to programming way back in high school, we started off doing Pascal. But what really made me interested with the subject was when I joined a competition, and eagerly studied C++ in a matter of weeks. So it was basically C++. I’m actually…

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