I don’t really know what adventures I could possibly do in life. The thought of trekking or even going on canyoneering already makes me want to go back to bed LOL. But, it’s not that i’m tired of staying put, and curling up in bed, thinking of businesses I should build, and cash flow, I just think that maybe I should do more (*cough) adventures (*cries). People have been calling me (kill joys) recently for reasons they really don’t understand, so, for year 2018, i will be moving a lot!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle

My name is Roselle and I’m still working on my success story. You heard that right. I’m young, I work at home on my PJs and I’m still going to make many more mistakes in life. Just like you, just like we all do. But the other thing you should know about me is that I love helping people and this blog is one of the many outlets I have in connecting with you. I talk a lot about finance, business, and personal development. Visit my About page, if you want to know more about my story!

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