Have you ever felt lost in the world of personal finance when you just graduated college, or when you finally admitted your bank account kept on depleting itself?

On a parallel universe, the habits and routines in personal finance should have been taught to us by our family; if not, then at least at school, but no, you never find personal finance 101 in dinner discussions nor in the list of units you need in order to pass college.

Fortunately, it’s never difficult to learn personal finance in the digital age. If you are committed enough you can scour the entire web for content, blogs, videos, podcasts and you won’t have a hard time because there are a LOT of people who would want to help you on your journey to financial freedom. And because I care about you, I’ve compiled the top personal finance blogs you should follow. Bookmark this page, or share it to your friends. Be patient, embrace a positive mindset, and together we will get to our desired destination soon!  

One thing to know – this is a living list of great BLOGS talking about personal finance. You should know that there are also GREATER people you should follow, their blogs are not necessarily listed here.

General blogs

There are popular blogs which hold content in different areas, similar to BuzzFeed.

1. Lifehack.com

Turns out there are many hacks we could do to improve our productivity, energy or mindset. Lifehack is known to be the ultimate resource for personal growth and development. But, they also have other extensive collections in other areas such as Money. Their content is just awesome, and I couldn’t give enough praise for it.

2. Entrepreneur.com.ph

Starting out on my journey to learning more about finance and starting a business, Entrepreneur blog has alwaysbeen my go-to resource. I would still recommend it now for starters.  When you want to learn about personal finance, you need to know about budgeting, investing, a little bit about business and of course, you are going to need some inspiration to keep going. Entrepreneur has all of these, and I used to visit their website every day before until I finally exhausted all their content and moved on to more specialized blogs.

Specialized blogs

In addition to the top business blogs listed before, there are also more specialized blogs from founders, entrepreneur individuals themselves.

3. SmartPassiveIncome.com

Pat from SMP obviously talks about achieving passive income, and he’s tracking his net worth on his blog. There are similar blogs out there, but starting out, I found this blog very helpful. If you’ve set your foundations in personal finance, it’s time to start earning while sleeping. Pat’s blog will surely give you some ideas on how to make money online – the passive way. It will strengthen your foundations in finance

4. Ready To Be Rich

This blog is a gem. If we have blogs from international authors, we also have awesome blogs grown locally. One of the people I wanted to meet was Fitz, and I almost did when I joined a seminar at IMG. This blog has a simple interface paired with great content on personal finance, business and basically any topic that will help you achieve wealth. He speaks in the context of the Philippines, so you will surely know what he means when he says SSS.

5. RoselleEbarle.com

Yours truly. Roselle speaks to her generation, and blogs about personal finance and marketing. If you come from the Philippines, you’ll surely find her stories amusing and relevant. One of the important generations we should attend to is not those who already went through a lot but those who are still starting out in their lives. Think of fresh graduates, starting professionals or incoming graduates. However, the thing with today’s generation is that connecting with them is different than connecting with generations before them. The Gen-Z and millennials are different, and not necessarily in a bad way. It just so happen that they were brought up in a different environment. And Roselle aims to connect with them and understand their needs.

Success is a habit. And if you want to successfully master personal finance, it all starts with a habit of learning. There is always something to learn! Remember: if you can’t handle the small money, how would you ever learn to handle a salary of P1M or more?

Which blog inspired you? Do you have any other local or international favorites not already on this list?

My name is Roselle and I’m still working on my success story. You heard that right. I’m young, I work at home on my PJs and I’m still going to make many more mistakes in life. Just like you, just like we all do. But the other thing you should know about me is that I love helping people and this blog is one of the many outlets I have in connecting with you. I talk a lot about finance, business, and personal development. Visit my About page, if you want to know more about my story!

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