Success and Attitude

Success is a choice.

The successful individual is the one who will do what the average person will not do.

What do I mean by this? Sometimes, the only thing that hinders us from achieving success is ourselves. And we do that when we think wrong, believe wrong, or talk wrong. These are habits that lead to an unhappy, mediocre, and unprofitable way of life.

Today, I won’t be talking about credentials or high achievements – instead – I’ll be talking about ATTITUDE.

How is ATTITUDE related to SUCCESS?

A person with a winning attitude accounts for 80% of the results.

Having a below average attitude limits your growth potential, return on your investment, rewards and personal independence.

This is the reason why I’ve always advocated thinking positively – or looking at the bright side. Your future is limited only by your vision and desire.

BUT do not worry, because we are all endowed with specific talents and abilities. We just need to develop these areas and use them to help others.

Let’s all conquer mediocrity with the following tips.

1. Take the offensive

What does being on offense mean inside a basketball court? It means grabbing the ball, and working with your team to shoot it right into the basket, right?

Taking offensive means you take the initiative.

How do you take the initiative?

First, DO NOT ever start your day in neutral – every morning, take control of your day and your life. Visualize what you need to accomplish by the time your day ends!

People who live defensively never conquer mediocrity. Take unique, radical and courageous moves throughout your day, especially if you don’t like the atmosphere of your life.

Taking the offensive does not only mean acting, but it also means deciding within.

2. Start where you are

A lot of people wait for opportunities.

Do not be that person.

Opportunity is always where you are, never where you were or you could have been.

The key is to start with you have, not with what you DON’T have.

Have you ever heard of the couple who started their ice cream business with P20? It was featured in television. That is the perfect example of starting where you are.

Heck, If you want to achieve success, you don’t even have to quit your job and start a business. You can start right at where you are. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I hate my job? Why?
  • If I do, Is there anything I can do to make my life better? Should I ask for the promotion? Or is there any way I can add more add more value within my organization?

Remember that you used to yearn for what you have right now. You used to wish for a job, and now you do. You used to wish for a partner in life, now you do. What are you currently doing with what you have?

3. Keep on growing

Start where you are, and look within –  define what are your gifts, or talents.

Are you good at managing people? Or are you good with speaking, writing or even selling?

These gifts will never be taken away from you. However, the more you use these gifts, the more interest they will bear. Keep on growing, by acknowledging these gifts and using them!

Write that book – or join a Toastmasters club – or start selling!

Remember, you don’t have to quit unless everything tells you to quit.

Our life is filled with so many distractions – like for example, I could get hooked into watching a movie or Korean drama for hours when I could have used those hours into watching courses or reading a book.

Take the driver’s seat, and get a hold of your life. There are opportunities waiting for you in every corner, and these opportunities allow you to use your God-given talents to the fullest. Grab them.

4. Indecision is deadly

Decide what is important to your life TODAY. That way, you don’t end up doing what is important to others.

Being decisive means having a laser focus on your goal. When you know where you are going, you will not be easily swayed by impulses or wrong decisions.

For example, if you know you excel in teaching, and you are passionate in sharing your knowledge – you won’t be tempted to grab any opportunity that shows up before you – a job offer or a discouraging thought.

Being decisive means you are not shifting directions every time you see a crossroad.


Building your attitude and habits only make up 20% of your time but remember that it accounts for 80% of the results in your life.  Wherever you are right now, keep on growing, find your focus, and take the offensive!

All of these nuggets of wisdom were taken from the book: “An Enemy Called Average” by John Mason. Read it when you can, and conquer the number one enemy of your success.


My name is Roselle and I’m still working on my success story. You heard that right. I’m young, I work at home on my PJs and I’m still going to make many more mistakes in life. Just like you, just like we all do. But the other thing you should know about me is that I love helping people and this blog is one of the many outlets I have in connecting with you. I talk a lot about finance, business, and personal development. Visit my About page, if you want to know more about my story!

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